It appears I've been missing in action again, but the fact is, I've had too many hats to wear, and only one head... a somewhat humorous way of saying, "too busy to blog." ~sigh
School resumes the day after Labor Day, however, and with it my schedule will change and tighten... Should mean a return to regular blogging.
Also resuming next week -- Tea and Cookies! Yeah!!!
This season's launch of our bi-monthly tea party challenges brings with it an exciting change -- An invitation for YOU to participate...
Dina is the hostess for our debut tea, and as such, has thrown out this layout challenge:
To play along, take the challenge and create, then post your creation next Wednesday (Sept. 3), and leave a comment either here or at Mama Dini's Stamperia with a link to your post... Easy, cheesy, and lots of fun!
Can't wait to see what we're all going to do,
Susan T.