Cue the music. Now sing: "The love bug soon will be making another flight... The loooove bug, lots of great stamping both day and night..." Hmmmm. I wonder if Captain Stubing, ever hosted a stamping cruise?
Okay, okay... but every time I think about the smART Cookie Challenge #11 stamp set (ABC-Love Bug), the Love Boat tune begins playing in my head. Just thought I'd pass it on.
Seriously though, the smART Cookies did some awesome work using these Angi-B & company images. You can take a peek at all their cards HERE, see larger versions in their individual Cookie galleries (links HERE), or read about the design details on their personal, Cookie blogs...
Now, before launching the giveaway, I absolutely must share an idea taken from Donna's Love Bug card. Here's the stamped, but uncolored basket:
Here's Donna's finished version:
Look how she filled in the greenery with dots of marker! C-L-E-V-E-R! Of course, I just saw on her blog's sidebar that Donna has become Copic certified, so it's no real surprise that the markers she used were Copics, but I'm guessing this effect can be duplicated using the markers you may have at hand. I think it's a great idea!
Now the contest for your chance to win a free set of Love Bug...
You may have noticed there are no words included in this stamp set, so I'm curious -- If you made a card using one of the images from this set, what saying might you add to it? Just leave a comment answering this question, and you'll be entered to win.
On Monday, Mr. Eli, will pull a comment from the entry list, and I'll post the winning name.
Still humming,
Susan T.